WBCHSE Class 8 Science Syllabus: Full List Of Subjects And Course!

WBCHSE has recognized the significance of Science by incorporating it as an important subject in the 8th standard curriculum. When one hears the term “science,” images of lab coats, test tubes, telescopes, stars, and iconic figures like Einstein may come to mind. While these aspects represent various facets of Science, none of them encapsulate the entirety of this expansive field. Science is incredibly broad and encompasses a wide range of disciplines. By exploring the WBBSE Class 8 Science Syllabus, students can gain insights into the topics and concepts taught during the academic year.

WBCHSE Class 8 Science Syllabus

In the WBCHSE Class 8 board, students are provided with a single Science textbook as part of their curriculum. However, as they progress through the grades and move to higher levels, they will observe the subdivision of Science into subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Furthermore, if students develop an interest in the field of science, they will encounter further divisions and applications of Science in their undergraduate and subsequent studies. The study of Science opens doors to endless possibilities, unveiling the interconnectedness of scientific disciplines and their practical implications in our daily lives.

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Unit I

  • Unit 1 of the science curriculum focuses on Force and Pressure. Students will learn about the measurement of force and its unit, as well as the concept of friction and its measurement. The topics of density and pressure of liquids, along with the principles of pressure in liquids and air, will be explored. The phenomenon of floating substances and the principles of buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle will also be covered.
  • The unit further delves into forces that act without direct contact. Students will study gravity and gravitation, including the motion resulting from these forces. The concept of electrical forces and the notion of charge will be introduced, along with the study of motion due to electrostatic force.
  • The nature of matter will be examined, encompassing the physical and chemical properties of substances. The characteristics and uses of metals and non-metals will be explored, highlighting their significance in human life and the environment.
  • The structure of matter will be investigated, introducing the concept of atoms and molecules. Different states of matter and their transformations will be studied, along with understanding valency and chemical bonding.
  • Heat and its measurement will be explored, along with the concept of latent heat and the changes of state it entails. The flow of heat through conduction, convection, and radiation will be examined.
  • Chemical reactions will be a key topic, including the factors influencing them, the role of catalysts, and the distinction between endothermic and exothermic reactions. The fundamental concept of oxidation-reduction will also be covered.
  • The unit will also touch upon the chemical effects of electricity, specifically focusing on electrolysis and electroplating.
  • Students will analyze natural phenomena such as lightning and epidemics, aiming to understand their causes and effects.
  • Lastly, the unit will cover human food and food production, encompassing crops, their diversity, and methods of crop production. Both plant-based and animal-based food production will be explored, highlighting different types and their significance in meeting human dietary needs.

Unit II

  • The topic of light is covered in the curriculum, specifically focusing on reflection and the laws that govern it. Students will learn about the behavior of light when it strikes a surface and the principles that dictate its reflection.
  • The structure of matter, particularly the concept of atoms and molecules, will be explored. Different states of matter, including solids, liquids, and gases, will be studied, along with an understanding of valency and chemical bonding.
  • The curriculum also includes information about common gases. Students will become familiar with the equipment used in laboratories and will specifically learn about oxygen and hydrogen, their properties, and their significance in various scientific processes.
  • The occurrence of carbon and its compounds in different forms in nature and living organisms is another key topic. Students will explore the presence of carbon and its compounds in natural environments and living organisms. The concept of allotropy, which refers to different forms of an element with distinct properties, will be covered. Additionally, students will learn about the heating value or calorific value of fuels, the role of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect, and the use of carbon-containing polymers and their applications in various industries.

Unit III

  • Unit 3 of the curriculum focuses on the structure of living organisms. Students will learn about the steps involved in the organization of the structure within living organisms. The use of microscopes in studying and observing various aspects of organisms will be explored. The diversity of cells will be examined, along with an understanding of the different physiological functions and specializations that cells can have.
  • Students will also learn about the various physiological processes that occur in plants and animals, as well as the role and functions of different cell organelles. The influence of different natural environments on cells will be studied, emphasizing how environmental factors can impact the functioning and adaptation of cells.
  • The topic of the world of microbes will be covered, including the diversity of microbes and their inter-relationships with the living world. Students will learn about parasitism, symbiosis, and saprophytism, exploring the roles that microbes play in the environment. The significance of microbes in agriculture, food processing, medicine, and waste disposal will also be discussed.
  • The endocrine system and adolescence will be studied, focusing on endocrine glands and the changes that occur during the adolescent stage of life.
  • Biodiversity, environmental crisis, and the conservation of endangered animals will also be addressed. Students will learn about different ecosystems such as forests, marine environments, deserts, and polar regions. The importance of wildlife conservation will be emphasized, and students will be introduced to some endangered animals and the efforts being made to protect them.
  • The curriculum will also cover the plant kingdom and its interaction with the environment. Students will explore the significance of certain plants for the environment, as well as the role of spices and medicinal plants in human society.

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