Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Episode 9 Recap and Ending, Explained

Gray Frame Corner
Green Blob

Tendou reflects on his past judgments of his father's occupation as a farmer and feels remorseful, wanting to do something meaningful for his parents.

White Frame Corner
Green Blob

Akira and friends encounter a tunnel blocked at both ends, filled with zombies, forcing them to change their route.

White Frame Corner
Green Blob

In the forest, they save an elderly man named Kumano from a boar zombie attack, who is building a treehouse, a bucket list item for Akira.

White Frame Corner
Green Blob

Upon reaching the remote village, they discover everyone, including Akira's parents, is safe, thanks to the villagers trapping zombies in the tunnel.

White Frame Corner
Green Blob

In the evening, Teruo discovers a bloody hand injury that he's been hiding by keeping his hand in his pocket.

White Frame Corner
Green Blob

The episode concludes without confirming if Teruo's injury has infected him or not, but his words and fearful expression suggest ominous possibilities.

White Frame Corner
Green Blob

Some individuals have managed to hide their zombie bite injuries and move among uninfected people without detection, raising questions about Teruo's condition.

White Frame Corner
Green Blob

The episode ends on a suspenseful note, leaving the fate of Akira's father hanging in the balance.

White Frame Corner

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